Стандарт породы Египетская Мау TICA (англ)
HEAD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 points
Shape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Ears.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Eyes ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Muzzle.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
BODY.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 points
Torso. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Legs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Feet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Tail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
COAT/COLOR/PATTERN. . . 40 points
Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Pattern.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Color. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
CATEGORY: Traditional.
DIVISIONS: Tabby and Silver/Smoke.
COLORS: Spotted pattern ONLY, Bronze spotted tabby, Black Silver spotted tabby, and Black Smoke ONLY.
Shape: Medium length, slightly modified wedge without flat planes.
Cheeks are not full.
Ears: Medium to medium large, moderately pointed, broad at base.
Upstanding with ample width between ears, set well-back on head, cupped forward, alert. Short, close lying hair on outside, may have lynx tips.
Eyes: Gooseberry green (light green). Allowance is made for changing eye color, with some discernable green by 8 months of age and full green eye color by 18 months of age. Preference given at all ages for greener eyes.
Muzzle: Medium-rounded, neither short nor pointed, rounded planes blending with overall head shape. Allow for jowls in mature males.
Nose: Even in width throughout length.
Profile: Gentle rise from bridge of nose to forehead which then flows into narched neck without a break.
Torso: Balance between cobby and foreign types; Medium in size, mediumlong length. The shoulder blades are high and angulated. There is a loose skin flap (belly flap).
Legs: Medium in length, with hind legs proportionately longer. Medium boning with well-developed musculature. The hind legs are longer than the front, but carried flexed so the back is level.
Feet: Slightly oval, almost round.
Small in size, with very long toes on back feet.
Tail: Medium length, medium at base, with slight taper.
Boning: Medium.
Musculature: Well-developed.'
Length: Medium, long enough to carry two bands of ticking.
Texture: Bronze and Black Silver - resilient, close-lying Black Smoke - fine, silky, close-lying
PATTERN: There is good contrast between pale ground color and deeper markings. The forehead has characteristic tabby "M" and frown lines which run between the ears and down the back of the neck, becoming elongated spots along the
spine. On the haunches the spine lines meld into a dorsal stripe which continues to the tip of the tail. The tail is banded with the tip dark. The cheeks have mascara lines, from the corner of the eye along the contour of the cheek, with the second line starting at the center of the cheek and curving upward, almost meeting the first line below the ear. There are one or more necklaces, broken in the center.
Revised 05/01/08 Egyptian Mau Breed Standard, 05/01/2008
The shoulder markings are a transition between stripes and spots. The upper legs are heavily barred but do not necessarily match. The spots on the body are random, with variance in size and shape. The pattern on the sides of the body may be unmatched, but spots should not form a broken mackerel pattern. The haunches and thighs have stripes which break into elongated spots on the lower leg. Belly spots should have good contrast against pale ground color.
Black Silver: Markings are charcoal to black with good contrast. Back of ears grayish-pink tipped with black. Upper throat, chin and nostrils silver, appearing white.
Bronze: Color darkest on saddle, fading to tawny buff on sides and creamy ivory on undersides. Back of ears tawny pink tipped in dark brown. Bridge of nose ocherous. Upper throat, chin and nostrils pale, creamy white.
Black Smoke: Charcoal gray to black with silver undercolor with no ticking. All markings jet black with enough contrast to make a well-defined pattern plainly visible.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Egyptian Mau is the only natural domestic breed of spotted cat. The body is graceful, showing well-developed muscular strength. It strikes a balance between the heftiness of the cobby and svelteness of the oriental types. It is an alert, active, strong, colorful cat of medium size. It should be well-balanced physically and temperamentally. General balance is more to be desired than size alone.
ALLOWANCES: Broad head and jowls in mature males. Very muscular necks and shoulders in mature males.
PENALIZE: Lack of green ring in eye color of cats over the age of 7 months and amber cast in eye color in cats over the age of 1Ѕ years.
WITHHOLD ALL AWARDS (WW): Lack of spots; wrong eye color; white locket or spots; lack of ticking in silver or bronze; ticking in smoke; red coloring in bronze.
Lack of gray undercoat in bronze. Glitter, rosettes, pelt-like coat.
_ _ _ _ _
Temperament must be unchallenging; any sign of definite challenge shall disqualify. The cat may exhibit fear, seek to flee, or generally complain aloud but may not threaten to harm. In accordance with Show Rules, ARTICLE
SIXTEEN, the following shall be considered mandatory disqualifications: a cat that bites (216.9), a cat showing evidence of intent to deceive (216.10), adult whole male cats not having two descended testicles (216.11), cats
with all or part of the tail missing , except as authorized by a board approved standard (216.12.1), cats with more than five toes on each front foot and four toes on each back foot, unless proved the result of an injury or as
authorized by a Board approved standard (216.12.2), visible or invisible tail faults if Board approved standard requires disqualification (216.12.4), crossed eyes if Board approved standard requires disqualification (216.12.5),
total blindness (216.12.6), markedly smaller size, not in keeping with the breed (216.12.9), and depression of the sternum or unusually small diameter of the rib cage itself ( See Show Rules, ARTICLE SIXTEEN for more
comprehensive rules governing penalties and disqualifications.
Revised 05/01/08 Egyptian Mau Breed Standard, 05/01/2008
Источник: http://www.tica.org/members/publications/standards/em.pdf#googtrans/en/ru